Health and Wellness Programs for Your Employees

Effective health care is about more than doctor’s visits and hospital procedures. Health and wellness programs in the workplace are an important part of your benefits package. These programs help keep your employees healthy by providing the resources and information they need to make better choices.


We take a holistic view of health, wellness, and fitness, focusing on every aspect of your employees' well-being.  It has been reported that $18 billion could be saved annually if patients with avoidable issues took advantage of preventative care. 1  Our health and wellness initiatives can help them reach their goals. 

Employee Wellness Programs from Highmark

At Highmark, we help members maintain and manage their health with targeted programs and outreach via telephone, text, email, and onsite  events.

Personalized Health and Wellness Coaching

Based on how employees fill out their wellness profile, we provide personalized outreach through our health coaches. Together, we can lower risk for illnesses, better manage health conditions, provide extensive support for complex health problems, and change unhealthy habits. Our health coaches work with your employees to: 

  • Set goals
  • Create personalized health plans
  • Offer access to helpful health resources
  • Maintain accountability

Employee Challenges

We use fun, game-like programs to promote healthy activities for your workforce and encourage members to make positive choices. When employees compete with peers in their workplace, they become engaged, motivated, and accountable.

Preventive On-Site Screenings

Highmark offers on-site wellness screenings to meet your employees’ needs. These workplace wellness screenings are one more way we try to identify health concerns before they become serious. And that could lead to better outcomes for your employees and better value for you.

Engagement Rewards

We make it easy for you to offer incentives to your employees for making healthy choices, whether it’s staying tobacco-free, completing preventive screenings, or attending fitness classes. 

There’s a lot you can do to create a happier, healthier workplace — and a big part of that is taking care of your employees’ mental health. This new, online guide features information on available mental health resources, including support systems, services, treatment options and more.

You can cut your health spend in just a year while inspiring your employees to take better care of their health. Using real-time data and predictive analytics, Well360 Clarity identifies your highest cost drivers, then our team reaches out to help guide and empower your employees along their health care journeys.

When high-risk employees are sick and have to be admitted to the hospital, it's great to have a supportive health care team involved on day 1. The Integrated Care Team provides high-touch, patient focused care which can reduce inpatient days, readmissions, and your overall costs of care.

1 "Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care Centers." June, 2017.

Stay Connected

Help your employees take advantage of all their health plan has to offer, including our member portal, online tools, and member discounts.